At Avenue Church NYC, we deeply value what you bring to the life of our community. Because of that, we value joyfully welcoming you to join our church as a partner in ministry.
There are two easy steps to that journey:
1) Welcome to Avenue! Course
Every few months, we offer our Welcome to Avenue! course. In an hour after worship on Sunday, we'll discuss the basics of what we believe about Jesus and how that impacts our lives and ministry together as Avenue Church NYC. You can ask any questions you like, bring any doubts you have, and figure out with Pastor Jordan if partnership with this church is right for you in this season of your life.
2) Meet with our Leadership
If you choose to officially join Avenue, the next step is simply to come to one of our four annual Leadership Dinners and meet with the members of Session, the elected spiritual leadership of our church's governing board. Nothing scary or intimidating here! We just want to share some good food, pray with you and learn more of your story, while celebrating welcoming you as an important part of our community.